#include "colortheme.h"
namespace rendering {
ColorTheme::ColorTheme(qreal hue, IdenticonStyle &style)
if (style.hues().size() > 0)
// Multiply with 0.999 to change the range to [0, 1)
int hueIndex = qFloor(0.999 * hue * style.hues().size());
hue = style.hues().at(hueIndex);
darkGray_ = ColorUtils::fromHslCompensated(hue, style.grayscaleSaturation(), style.minGrayLightness());
midColor_ = ColorUtils::fromHslCompensated(hue, style.colorSaturation(), (style.minColorLightness() + style.maxColorLightness()) / 2);
lightGray_ = ColorUtils::fromHslCompensated(hue, style.grayscaleSaturation(), style.maxGrayLightness());
lightColor_ = ColorUtils::fromHslCompensated(hue, style.colorSaturation(), style.maxColorLightness());
darkColor_ = ColorUtils::fromHslCompensated(hue, style.colorSaturation(), style.minColorLightness());
&ColorTheme::operator[](int index)
if (index == 0) return darkGray_;
if (index == 1) return midColor_;
if (index == 2) return lightGray_;
if (index == 3) return lightColor_;
if (index == 4) return darkColor_;
throw std::out_of_range("index");
} // namespace rendering