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Makefile 2.67 KiB
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FILES=`find lib include tests examples -type f -type f \( -iname "*.cpp" -o -iname "*.hpp" \)`

help: ## This help message
	@grep -E '^[0-9a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?## .*$$' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | sort | awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}; {printf "\033[36m%-20s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}'
	@# Change the digit following by an 's' to adjust the width of the help text

third-party: ## Build & install third party dependencies
	@cmake --build ${DEPS_BUILD_DIR}

debug: ## Create a debug build
	@cmake -GNinja -H. -Bbuild \
		-DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=/usr/local/opt/openssl \
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Konstantinos Sideris committed
	@cmake --build build

release: ## Create an optimized build
	@cmake -GNinja -H. -Bbuild \
		-DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=/usr/local/opt/openssl \
Konstantinos Sideris's avatar
Konstantinos Sideris committed
	@cmake --build build

	@cd build/ && GTEST_COLOR=1 ctest --verbose
asan: ## Create a debug build using address sanitizers
	@cmake -GNinja -H. -Bbuild \
		-DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=/usr/local/opt/openssl \
	docker build -t mtxclient-dev .

synapse: ## Start a synapse instance on docker
	@mkdir -p data
	@chmod 0777 data
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	@docker run -v `pwd`/data:/data --rm \
Konstantinos Sideris's avatar
Konstantinos Sideris committed
	@docker run -d \
		--name synapse \
		-p 443:8008 \
		-p 8448:8008 \
		-v `pwd`/data:/data ${SYNAPSE_IMAGE}
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Konstantinos Sideris committed
	@echo Waiting for synapse to start...
	@until curl -s -f -k https://localhost:443/_matrix/client/versions; do echo "Checking ..."; sleep 2; done
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Konstantinos Sideris committed
	@echo Register alice
	@docker exec synapse /bin/sh -c 'register_new_matrix_user --admin -u alice -p secret -c /data/homeserver.yaml https://localhost:8008'
Konstantinos Sideris's avatar
Konstantinos Sideris committed
	@echo Register bob
	@docker exec synapse /bin/sh -c 'register_new_matrix_user --admin -u bob -p secret -c /data/homeserver.yaml https://localhost:8008'
Konstantinos Sideris's avatar
Konstantinos Sideris committed
	@echo Register carl
	@docker exec synapse /bin/sh -c 'register_new_matrix_user --admin -u carl -p secret -c /data/homeserver.yaml https://localhost:8008'
stop-synapse: ## Stop any running instance of synapse
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Konstantinos Sideris committed
	@rm -rf ./data/*
	@docker rm -f synapse 2>&1>/dev/null

restart: stop-synapse synapse

lint: ## Run clang-format on the source code
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Konstantinos Sideris committed
	@clang-format -i ${FILES} && git diff --exit-code

clean: ## Delete the build directory
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Konstantinos Sideris committed
	rm -rf build