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Snippets Groups Projects
Verified Commit dbd2bebe authored by Nicolas Werner's avatar Nicolas Werner
Browse files

Show some previews in upload window

parent 830f4d49
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......@@ -124,10 +124,76 @@ Item {
color: Nheko.theme.separator
Button {
text: "Send files " + (room ? room.input.uploads.length : 0)
Page {
id: uploadPopup
visible: room && room.input.uploads.length > 0
onClicked: room.input.acceptUploads()
Layout.preferredHeight: 200
clip: true
Layout.fillWidth: true
padding: Nheko.paddingMedium
contentItem: ListView {
id: uploadsList
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
boundsBehavior: Flickable.StopAtBounds
orientation: ListView.Horizontal
width: Math.min(contentWidth, parent.width)
model: room ? room.input.uploads : undefined
spacing: Nheko.paddingMedium
delegate: Pane {
padding: Nheko.paddingSmall
height: uploadPopup.availableHeight - buttons.height
width: uploadPopup.availableHeight - buttons.height
background: Rectangle {
color: Nheko.colors.window
radius: Nheko.paddingMedium
contentItem: ColumnLayout {
Image {
Layout.fillHeight: true
Layout.fillWidth: true
sourceSize.height: height
sourceSize.width: width
property string typeStr: switch(modelData.mediaType) {
case MediaUpload.Video: return "video-file";
case MediaUpload.Audio: return "music";
case MediaUpload.Image: return "image";
default: return "zip";
source: "image://colorimage/:/icons/icons/ui/"+typeStr+".svg?" + Nheko.colors.buttonText
MatrixTextField {
Layout.fillWidth: true
text: modelData.filename
onTextEdited: modelData.filename = text
footer: DialogButtonBox {
id: buttons
standardButtons: DialogButtonBox.Cancel
Button {
text: qsTr("Upload %n file(s)", "", (room ? room.input.uploads.length : 0))
DialogButtonBox.buttonRole: DialogButtonBox.AcceptRole
onAccepted: room.input.acceptUploads()
onRejected: room.input.declineUploads()
background: Rectangle {
color: Nheko.colors.base
NotificationWarning {
......@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ Item {
Image {
anchors.fill: parent
source: thumbnailUrl.replace("mxc://", "image://MxcImage/") + "?scale"
source: thumbnailUrl ? thumbnailUrl.replace("mxc://", "image://MxcImage/") + "?scale" : ""
asynchronous: true
fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
......@@ -46,6 +46,10 @@
......@@ -251,6 +251,8 @@ MainWindow::registerQmlTypes()
qmlRegisterType<emoji::EmojiModel>("im.nheko.EmojiModel", 1, 0, "EmojiModel");
"im.nheko.EmojiModel", 1, 0, "Emoji", QStringLiteral("Used by emoji models"));
"im.nheko", 1, 0, "MediaUpload", QStringLiteral("MediaUploads can not be created in Qml"));
......@@ -53,11 +53,11 @@ class MediaUpload : public QObject
// Q_PROPERTY(bool uploading READ uploading NOTIFY uploadingChanged)
// Q_PROPERTY(MediaType mediaType READ type NOTIFY mediaTypeChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(int mediaType READ type NOTIFY mediaTypeChanged)
// //
// Q_PROPERTY(QUrl thumbnail READ thumbnail NOTIFY thumbnailChanged)
// Q_PROPERTY(QString humanSize READ humanSize NOTIFY huSizeChanged)
// Q_PROPERTY(QString filename READ filename NOTIFY filenameChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString filename READ filename WRITE setFilename NOTIFY filenameChanged)
// Q_PROPERTY(QString mimetype READ mimetype NOTIFY mimetypeChanged)
// Q_PROPERTY(int height READ height NOTIFY heightChanged)
// Q_PROPERTY(int width READ width NOTIFY widthChanged)
......@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ public:
explicit MediaUpload(std::unique_ptr<QIODevice> data,
QString mimetype,
......@@ -81,6 +81,17 @@ public:
bool encrypt,
QObject *parent = nullptr);
[[nodiscard]] int type() const
if (mimeClass_ == u"video")
return MediaType::Video;
else if (mimeClass_ == u"audio")
return MediaType::Audio;
else if (mimeClass_ == u"image")
return MediaType::Image;
return MediaType::File;
[[nodiscard]] QString url() const { return url_; }
[[nodiscard]] QString mimetype() const { return mimetype_; }
[[nodiscard]] QString mimeClass() const { return mimeClass_; }
......@@ -102,9 +113,19 @@ public:
QString thumbnailUrl() const { return thumbnailUrl_; }
[[nodiscard]] uint64_t thumbnailSize() const { return thumbnailSize_; }
void setFilename(QString fn)
if (fn != originalFilename_) {
originalFilename_ = std::move(fn);
emit filenameChanged();
void uploadComplete(MediaUpload *self, QString url);
void uploadFailed(MediaUpload *self);
void filenameChanged();
void mediaTypeChanged();
public slots:
void startUpload();
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