From 57a27396ad139eccf31d17824b932dba4c19c827 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nicolas Werner <>
Date: Mon, 9 Oct 2023 22:14:01 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Remove old TimelineRow

 CMakeLists.txt                |   1 -
 resources/qml/TimelineRow.qml | 347 ----------------------------------
 2 files changed, 348 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 resources/qml/TimelineRow.qml

diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index a426f5d20..98116829f 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -722,7 +722,6 @@ set(QML_SOURCES
-        resources/qml/TimelineRow.qml
diff --git a/resources/qml/TimelineRow.qml b/resources/qml/TimelineRow.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index fc5c6a76a..000000000
--- a/resources/qml/TimelineRow.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,347 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Nheko Contributors
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
-import "./delegates"
-import "./emoji"
-import QtQuick 2.15
-import QtQuick.Controls 2.3
-import QtQuick.Layouts 1.2
-import QtQuick.Window 2.13
-import im.nheko 1.0
-AbstractButton {
-    id: r
-    required property string blurhash
-    required property string body
-    required property string callType
-    required property int duration
-    required property int encryptionError
-    required property string eventId
-    required property string filename
-    required property string filesize
-    required property string formattedBody
-    required property int index
-    required property bool isEditable
-    required property bool isEdited
-    required property bool isEncrypted
-    required property bool isOnlyEmoji
-    required property bool isSender
-    required property bool isStateEvent
-    required property int notificationlevel
-    required property int originalWidth
-    required property double proportionalHeight
-    required property var reactions
-    required property int relatedEventCacheBuster
-    required property string replyTo
-    required property string roomName
-    required property string roomTopic
-    required property int status
-    required property string threadId
-    required property string thumbnailUrl
-    required property var timestamp
-    required property int trustlevel
-    required property int type
-    required property string typeString
-    required property string url
-    required property string userId
-    required property string userName
-    height: row.height + (reactionRow.height > 0 ? reactionRow.height - 2 : 0) + unreadRow.height
-    hoverEnabled: true
-    states: State {
-        name: "dragging"
-        when:
-    }
-    transitions: Transition {
-        from: "dragging"
-        to: ""
-        PropertyAnimation {
-            duration: 100
-            easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad
-            properties: "x"
-            target: r
-            to: 0
-        }
-    }
-    onClicked: {
-        let link = contentItem.child.linkAt != undefined && contentItem.child.linkAt(pressX - row.x - msg.x, pressY - row.y - msg.y - contentItem.y);
-        if (link) {
-            Nheko.openLink(link);
-        }
-    }
-    onDoubleClicked: room.reply = eventId
-    onPressAndHold:, threadId, type, isSender, isEncrypted, isEditable, contentItem.child.hoveredLink, contentItem.child.copyText)
-    Rectangle {
-        anchors.fill: parent
-        color: (Settings.messageHoverHighlight && hovered) ? palette.alternateBase : "transparent"
-        // this looks better without margins
-        TapHandler {
-            acceptedButtons: Qt.RightButton
-            acceptedDevices: PointerDevice.Mouse | PointerDevice.Stylus | PointerDevice.TouchPad
-            gesturePolicy: TapHandler.ReleaseWithinBounds
-            onSingleTapped:, threadId, type, isSender, isEncrypted, isEditable, contentItem.child.hoveredLink, contentItem.child.copyText)
-        }
-    }
-    DragHandler {
-        id: draghandler
-        xAxis.maximum: 100
-        xAxis.minimum: -100
-        yAxis.enabled: false
-        onActiveChanged: {
-            if (!active && (x < -70 || x > 70))
-                room.reply = eventId;
-        }
-    }
-    AbstractButton {
-        ToolTip.delay: Nheko.tooltipDelay
-        ToolTip.text: qsTr("Part of a thread")
-        ToolTip.visible: hovered
-        anchors.left: parent.left
-        anchors.leftMargin: Settings.smallAvatars ? 0 : (Nheko.avatarSize + 8) // align bubble with section header
-        height: parent.height
-        visible: threadId
-        width: 4
-        onClicked: room.thread = threadId
-        Rectangle {
-            id: threadLine
-            anchors.fill: parent
-            color: TimelineManager.userColor(threadId, palette.base)
-        }
-    }
-    Rectangle {
-        id: row
-        property color bgColor: palette.base
-        property bool bubbleOnRight: isSender && Settings.bubbles
-        property int maxWidth: (parent.width - (Settings.smallAvatars || isStateEvent ? 0 : Nheko.avatarSize + 8)) * (Settings.bubbles && !isStateEvent ? 0.9 : 1)
-        property color userColor: TimelineManager.userColor(userId, palette.base)
-        anchors.horizontalCenter: isStateEvent ? parent.horizontalCenter : undefined
-        anchors.left: (isStateEvent || bubbleOnRight) ? undefined : parent.left
-        anchors.leftMargin: (isStateEvent || Settings.smallAvatars ? 0 : (Nheko.avatarSize + 8)) + (threadId ? 6 : 0) // align bubble with section header
-        anchors.right: (isStateEvent || !bubbleOnRight) ? undefined : parent.right
-        border.color:
-        border.width: r.notificationlevel == MtxEvent.Highlight ? 1 : 0
-        color: (Settings.bubbles && !isStateEvent) ? Qt.tint(bgColor, Qt.hsla(userColor.hslHue, 0.5, userColor.hslLightness, 0.2)) : "#00000000"
-        height: msg.height + msg.anchors.margins * 2
-        radius: 4
-        width: Settings.bubbles ? Math.min(maxWidth, Math.max(reply.implicitWidth + 8, contentItem.implicitWidth + metadata.width + 20)) : maxWidth
-        GridLayout {
-            id: msg
-            columnSpacing: 2
-            columns: Settings.bubbles ? 1 : 2
-            rowSpacing: 0
-            rows: Settings.bubbles ? 3 : 2
-            /*
-            anchors {
-                left: parent.left
-                leftMargin: 4
-                margins: (Settings.bubbles && !isStateEvent) ? 4 : 2
-                right: parent.right
-                rightMargin: 4
-                top:
-            }
-            // fancy reply, if this is a reply
-            Reply {
-                id: reply
-                function fromModel(role) {
-                    return replyTo != "" ? room.dataById(replyTo, role, r.eventId) : null;
-                }
-                Layout.bottomMargin: visible ? 2 : 0
-                Layout.column: 0
-                Layout.fillWidth: true
-                Layout.maximumWidth: Settings.bubbles ? Number.MAX_VALUE : implicitWidth
-                Layout.preferredHeight: height
-                Layout.row: 0
-                blurhash: r.relatedEventCacheBuster, fromModel(Room.Blurhash) ?? ""
-                body: r.relatedEventCacheBuster, fromModel(Room.Body) ?? ""
-                callType: r.relatedEventCacheBuster, fromModel(Room.Voip) ?? ""
-                duration: r.relatedEventCacheBuster, fromModel(Room.Duration) ?? 0
-                encryptionError: r.relatedEventCacheBuster, fromModel(Room.EncryptionError) ?? 0
-                eventId: fromModel(Room.EventId) ?? ""
-                filename: r.relatedEventCacheBuster, fromModel(Room.Filename) ?? ""
-                filesize: r.relatedEventCacheBuster, fromModel(Room.Filesize) ?? ""
-                formattedBody: r.relatedEventCacheBuster, fromModel(Room.FormattedBody) ?? ""
-                isOnlyEmoji: r.relatedEventCacheBuster, fromModel(Room.IsOnlyEmoji) ?? false
-                isStateEvent: r.relatedEventCacheBuster, fromModel(Room.IsStateEvent) ?? false
-                originalWidth: r.relatedEventCacheBuster, fromModel(Room.OriginalWidth) ?? 0
-                proportionalHeight: r.relatedEventCacheBuster, fromModel(Room.ProportionalHeight) ?? 1
-                relatedEventCacheBuster: r.relatedEventCacheBuster, fromModel(Room.RelatedEventCacheBuster) ?? 0
-                roomName: r.relatedEventCacheBuster, fromModel(Room.RoomName) ?? ""
-                roomTopic: r.relatedEventCacheBuster, fromModel(Room.RoomTopic) ?? ""
-                thumbnailUrl: r.relatedEventCacheBuster, fromModel(Room.ThumbnailUrl) ?? ""
-                type: r.relatedEventCacheBuster, fromModel(Room.Type) ?? MtxEvent.UnknownMessage
-                typeString: r.relatedEventCacheBuster, fromModel(Room.TypeString) ?? ""
-                url: r.relatedEventCacheBuster, fromModel(Room.Url) ?? ""
-                userColor: r.relatedEventCacheBuster, TimelineManager.userColor(userId, palette.base)
-                userId: r.relatedEventCacheBuster, fromModel(Room.UserId) ?? ""
-                userName: r.relatedEventCacheBuster, fromModel(Room.UserName) ?? ""
-                visible: replyTo
-            }
-            // actual message content
-            MessageDelegate {
-                id: contentItem
-                Layout.column: 0
-                Layout.fillWidth: true
-                Layout.preferredHeight: height
-                Layout.row: 1
-                blurhash: r.blurhash
-                body: r.body
-                callType: r.callType
-                duration: r.duration
-                encryptionError: r.encryptionError
-                eventId: r.eventId
-                filename: r.filename
-                filesize: r.filesize
-                formattedBody: r.formattedBody
-                isOnlyEmoji: r.isOnlyEmoji
-                isReply: false
-                isStateEvent: r.isStateEvent
-                metadataWidth: metadata.width
-                originalWidth: r.originalWidth
-                proportionalHeight: r.proportionalHeight
-                relatedEventCacheBuster: r.relatedEventCacheBuster
-                roomName: r.roomName
-                roomTopic: r.roomTopic
-                thumbnailUrl: r.thumbnailUrl
-                type: r.type
-                typeString: r.typeString ?? ""
-                url: r.url
-                userId: r.userId
-                userName: r.userName
-            }
-            */
-            RowLayout {
-                id: metadata
-                property int iconSize: Math.floor(fontMetrics.ascent * scaling)
-                property double scaling: Settings.bubbles ? 0.75 : 1
-                Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignTop | Qt.AlignRight
-                Layout.bottomMargin: -2
-                Layout.column: Settings.bubbles ? 0 : 1
-                Layout.preferredWidth: implicitWidth
-                Layout.row: Settings.bubbles ? 2 : 0
-                Layout.rowSpan: Settings.bubbles ? 1 : 2
-                Layout.topMargin: (contentItem.fitsMetadata && Settings.bubbles) ? -height - Layout.bottomMargin : 0
-                spacing: 2
-                visible: !isStateEvent
-                StatusIndicator {
-                    Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignVCenter
-                    eventId: r.eventId
-                    height: parent.iconSize
-                    status: r.status
-                    width: parent.iconSize
-                }
-                Image {
-                    Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignVCenter
-                    ToolTip.delay: Nheko.tooltipDelay
-                    ToolTip.text: qsTr("Edited")
-                    ToolTip.visible: editHovered.hovered
-                    height: parent.iconSize
-                    source: "image://colorimage/:/icons/icons/ui/edit.svg?" + ((eventId == room.edit) ? palette.highlight : palette.buttonText)
-                    sourceSize.height: parent.iconSize * Screen.devicePixelRatio
-                    sourceSize.width: parent.iconSize * Screen.devicePixelRatio
-                    visible: isEdited || eventId == room.edit
-                    width: parent.iconSize
-                    HoverHandler {
-                        id: editHovered
-                    }
-                }
-                ImageButton {
-                    Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignVCenter
-                    ToolTip.delay: Nheko.tooltipDelay
-                    ToolTip.text: qsTr("Part of a thread")
-                    ToolTip.visible: hovered
-                    buttonTextColor: TimelineManager.userColor(threadId, palette.base)
-                    height: parent.iconSize
-                    image: ":/icons/icons/ui/thread.svg"
-                    visible: threadId
-                    width: parent.iconSize
-                    onClicked: room.thread = threadId
-                }
-                EncryptionIndicator {
-                    Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignVCenter
-                    encrypted: isEncrypted
-                    height: parent.iconSize
-                    sourceSize.height: parent.iconSize * Screen.devicePixelRatio
-                    sourceSize.width: parent.iconSize * Screen.devicePixelRatio
-                    trust: trustlevel
-                    visible: room.isEncrypted
-                    width: parent.iconSize
-                }
-                Label {
-                    id: ts
-                    Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignTop
-                    Layout.preferredWidth: implicitWidth
-                    ToolTip.delay: Nheko.tooltipDelay
-                    ToolTip.text: Qt.formatDateTime(timestamp, Qt.DefaultLocaleLongDate)
-                    ToolTip.visible: ma.hovered
-                    color: palette.inactive.text
-                    font.pointSize: fontMetrics.font.pointSize * parent.scaling
-                    text: timestamp.toLocaleTimeString(Locale.ShortFormat)
-                    HoverHandler {
-                        id: ma
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    Reactions {
-        id: reactionRow
-        eventId: r.eventId
-        layoutDirection: row.bubbleOnRight ? Qt.RightToLeft : Qt.LeftToRight
-        reactions: r.reactions
-        width: row.maxWidth
-        anchors {
-            left: row.bubbleOnRight ? undefined : row.left
-            right: row.bubbleOnRight ? row.right : undefined
-            top: row.bottom
-            topMargin: -4
-        }
-    }
-    Rectangle {
-        id: unreadRow
-        color: palette.highlight
-        height: visible ? 3 : 0
-        visible: (r.index > 0 && (room.fullyReadEventId == r.eventId))
-        anchors {
-            left: parent.left
-            right: parent.right
-            top: reactionRow.bottom
-            topMargin: 5
-        }
-    }