diff --git a/src/ChatPage.cpp b/src/ChatPage.cpp
index f2d6b06cdb63dbd2e1ccc93d0c1a5a6573b7d3b3..99739e0879a52769c3dfb25a55f26bc3158c81ec 100644
--- a/src/ChatPage.cpp
+++ b/src/ChatPage.cpp
@@ -308,11 +308,12 @@ ChatPage::ChatPage(QSharedPointer<UserSettings> userSettings, QWidget *parent)
         connect(this, &ChatPage::initializeRoomList, room_list_, &RoomList::initialize);
-        connect(this,
-                &ChatPage::initializeViews,
-                view_manager_,
-                [this](const mtx::responses::Rooms &rooms) { view_manager_->sync(rooms); },
-                Qt::QueuedConnection);
+        connect(
+          this,
+          &ChatPage::initializeViews,
+          view_manager_,
+          [this](const mtx::responses::Rooms &rooms) { view_manager_->sync(rooms); },
+          Qt::QueuedConnection);
@@ -377,11 +378,12 @@ ChatPage::ChatPage(QSharedPointer<UserSettings> userSettings, QWidget *parent)
           this, &ChatPage::tryInitialSyncCb, this, &ChatPage::tryInitialSync, Qt::QueuedConnection);
         connect(this, &ChatPage::trySyncCb, this, &ChatPage::trySync, Qt::QueuedConnection);
-        connect(this,
-                &ChatPage::tryDelayedSyncCb,
-                this,
-                [this]() { QTimer::singleShot(RETRY_TIMEOUT, this, &ChatPage::trySync); },
-                Qt::QueuedConnection);
+        connect(
+          this,
+          &ChatPage::tryDelayedSyncCb,
+          this,
+          [this]() { QTimer::singleShot(RETRY_TIMEOUT, this, &ChatPage::trySync); },
+          Qt::QueuedConnection);
diff --git a/src/CompletionProxyModel.cpp b/src/CompletionProxyModel.cpp
index 34625e76d5fd6067f9f9135c31a438a80be15902..44a149114acb0eb112a7b5de7e5f9e07a9ced57e 100644
--- a/src/CompletionProxyModel.cpp
+++ b/src/CompletionProxyModel.cpp
@@ -45,16 +45,17 @@ CompletionProxyModel::CompletionProxyModel(QAbstractItemModel *model, QObject *p
-        connect(this,
-                &CompletionProxyModel::newSearchString,
-                this,
-                [this](QString s) {
-                        s.remove(":");
-                        s.remove("@");
-                        searchString = s.toLower();
-                        invalidate();
-                },
-                Qt::QueuedConnection);
+        connect(
+          this,
+          &CompletionProxyModel::newSearchString,
+          this,
+          [this](QString s) {
+                  s.remove(":");
+                  s.remove("@");
+                  searchString = s.toLower();
+                  invalidate();
+          },
+          Qt::QueuedConnection);
diff --git a/src/timeline/EventStore.cpp b/src/timeline/EventStore.cpp
index 410bb091674835439872855792d75868ed1a265f..6104ad0044b8554d21426c0292b0b57609ea493a 100644
--- a/src/timeline/EventStore.cpp
+++ b/src/timeline/EventStore.cpp
@@ -39,59 +39,60 @@ EventStore::EventStore(std::string room_id, QObject *)
                 this->last  = range->last;
-        connect(this,
-                &EventStore::eventFetched,
-                this,
-                [this](std::string id,
-                       std::string relatedTo,
-                       mtx::events::collections::TimelineEvents timeline) {
-                        cache::client()->storeEvent(room_id_, id, {timeline});
-                        if (!relatedTo.empty()) {
-                                auto idx = idToIndex(relatedTo);
-                                if (idx)
-                                        emit dataChanged(*idx, *idx);
-                        }
-                },
-                Qt::QueuedConnection);
-        connect(this,
-                &EventStore::oldMessagesRetrieved,
-                this,
-                [this](const mtx::responses::Messages &res) {
-                        if (cache::client()->previousBatchToken(room_id_) == res.end) {
-                                noMoreMessages = true;
-                                emit fetchedMore();
-                                return;
-                        }
+        connect(
+          this,
+          &EventStore::eventFetched,
+          this,
+          [this](std::string id,
+                 std::string relatedTo,
+                 mtx::events::collections::TimelineEvents timeline) {
+                  cache::client()->storeEvent(room_id_, id, {timeline});
+                  if (!relatedTo.empty()) {
+                          auto idx = idToIndex(relatedTo);
+                          if (idx)
+                                  emit dataChanged(*idx, *idx);
+                  }
+          },
+          Qt::QueuedConnection);
+        connect(
+          this,
+          &EventStore::oldMessagesRetrieved,
+          this,
+          [this](const mtx::responses::Messages &res) {
+                  if (cache::client()->previousBatchToken(room_id_) == res.end) {
+                          noMoreMessages = true;
+                          emit fetchedMore();
+                          return;
+                  }
-                        uint64_t newFirst = cache::client()->saveOldMessages(room_id_, res);
-                        if (newFirst == first)
-                                fetchMore();
-                        else {
-                                if (this->last != std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max()) {
-                                        emit beginInsertRows(toExternalIdx(newFirst),
-                                                             toExternalIdx(this->first - 1));
-                                        this->first = newFirst;
-                                        emit endInsertRows();
-                                        emit fetchedMore();
-                                } else {
-                                        auto range = cache::client()->getTimelineRange(room_id_);
-                                        if (range && range->last - range->first != 0) {
-                                                emit beginInsertRows(
-                                                  0, int(range->last - range->first));
-                                                this->first = range->first;
-                                                this->last  = range->last;
-                                                emit endInsertRows();
-                                                emit fetchedMore();
-                                        } else {
-                                                fetchMore();
-                                        }
-                                }
-                        }
-                },
-                Qt::QueuedConnection);
+                  uint64_t newFirst = cache::client()->saveOldMessages(room_id_, res);
+                  if (newFirst == first)
+                          fetchMore();
+                  else {
+                          if (this->last != std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max()) {
+                                  emit beginInsertRows(toExternalIdx(newFirst),
+                                                       toExternalIdx(this->first - 1));
+                                  this->first = newFirst;
+                                  emit endInsertRows();
+                                  emit fetchedMore();
+                          } else {
+                                  auto range = cache::client()->getTimelineRange(room_id_);
+                                  if (range && range->last - range->first != 0) {
+                                          emit beginInsertRows(0, int(range->last - range->first));
+                                          this->first = range->first;
+                                          this->last  = range->last;
+                                          emit endInsertRows();
+                                          emit fetchedMore();
+                                  } else {
+                                          fetchMore();
+                                  }
+                          }
+                  }
+          },
+          Qt::QueuedConnection);
         connect(this, &EventStore::processPending, this, [this]() {
                 if (!current_txn.empty()) {
@@ -156,46 +157,48 @@ EventStore::EventStore(std::string room_id, QObject *)
-        connect(this,
-                &EventStore::messageFailed,
-                this,
-                [this](std::string txn_id) {
-                        if (current_txn == txn_id) {
-                                current_txn_error_count++;
-                                if (current_txn_error_count > 10) {
-                                        nhlog::ui()->debug("failing txn id '{}'", txn_id);
-                                        cache::client()->removePendingStatus(room_id_, txn_id);
-                                        current_txn_error_count = 0;
-                                }
-                        }
-                        QTimer::singleShot(1000, this, [this]() {
-                                nhlog::ui()->debug("timeout");
-                                this->current_txn = "";
-                                emit processPending();
-                        });
-                },
-                Qt::QueuedConnection);
-        connect(this,
-                &EventStore::messageSent,
-                this,
-                [this](std::string txn_id, std::string event_id) {
-                        nhlog::ui()->debug("sent {}", txn_id);
-                        http::client()->read_event(
-                          room_id_, event_id, [this, event_id](mtx::http::RequestErr err) {
-                                  if (err) {
-                                          nhlog::net()->warn(
-                                            "failed to read_event ({}, {})", room_id_, event_id);
-                                  }
-                          });
-                        cache::client()->removePendingStatus(room_id_, txn_id);
-                        this->current_txn             = "";
-                        this->current_txn_error_count = 0;
-                        emit processPending();
-                },
-                Qt::QueuedConnection);
+        connect(
+          this,
+          &EventStore::messageFailed,
+          this,
+          [this](std::string txn_id) {
+                  if (current_txn == txn_id) {
+                          current_txn_error_count++;
+                          if (current_txn_error_count > 10) {
+                                  nhlog::ui()->debug("failing txn id '{}'", txn_id);
+                                  cache::client()->removePendingStatus(room_id_, txn_id);
+                                  current_txn_error_count = 0;
+                          }
+                  }
+                  QTimer::singleShot(1000, this, [this]() {
+                          nhlog::ui()->debug("timeout");
+                          this->current_txn = "";
+                          emit processPending();
+                  });
+          },
+          Qt::QueuedConnection);
+        connect(
+          this,
+          &EventStore::messageSent,
+          this,
+          [this](std::string txn_id, std::string event_id) {
+                  nhlog::ui()->debug("sent {}", txn_id);
+                  http::client()->read_event(
+                    room_id_, event_id, [this, event_id](mtx::http::RequestErr err) {
+                            if (err) {
+                                    nhlog::net()->warn(
+                                      "failed to read_event ({}, {})", room_id_, event_id);
+                            }
+                    });
+                  cache::client()->removePendingStatus(room_id_, txn_id);
+                  this->current_txn             = "";
+                  this->current_txn_error_count = 0;
+                  emit processPending();
+          },
+          Qt::QueuedConnection);
@@ -361,7 +364,7 @@ struct overloaded : Ts...
         using Ts::operator()...;
 template<class... Ts>
+overloaded(Ts...) -> overloaded<Ts...>;
diff --git a/src/timeline/TimelineModel.cpp b/src/timeline/TimelineModel.cpp
index f9a5460ace9b2d7f6c33298083a03c98c7f7a587..7afc75f71ae0ee58395885b266885c9d48617870 100644
--- a/src/timeline/TimelineModel.cpp
+++ b/src/timeline/TimelineModel.cpp
@@ -209,11 +209,12 @@ TimelineModel::TimelineModel(TimelineViewManager *manager, QString room_id, QObj
   , room_id_(room_id)
   , manager_(manager)
-        connect(this,
-                &TimelineModel::redactionFailed,
-                this,
-                [](const QString &msg) { emit ChatPage::instance()->showNotification(msg); },
-                Qt::QueuedConnection);
+        connect(
+          this,
+          &TimelineModel::redactionFailed,
+          this,
+          [](const QString &msg) { emit ChatPage::instance()->showNotification(msg); },
+          Qt::QueuedConnection);
@@ -222,17 +223,17 @@ TimelineModel::TimelineModel(TimelineViewManager *manager, QString room_id, QObj
         connect(this, &TimelineModel::addPendingMessageToStore, &events, &EventStore::addPending);
-        connect(&events,
-                &EventStore::dataChanged,
-                this,
-                [this](int from, int to) {
-                        nhlog::ui()->debug("data changed {} to {}",
-                                           events.size() - to - 1,
-                                           events.size() - from - 1);
-                        emit dataChanged(index(events.size() - to - 1, 0),
-                                         index(events.size() - from - 1, 0));
-                },
-                Qt::QueuedConnection);
+        connect(
+          &events,
+          &EventStore::dataChanged,
+          this,
+          [this](int from, int to) {
+                  nhlog::ui()->debug(
+                    "data changed {} to {}", events.size() - to - 1, events.size() - from - 1);
+                  emit dataChanged(index(events.size() - to - 1, 0),
+                                   index(events.size() - from - 1, 0));
+          },
+          Qt::QueuedConnection);
         connect(&events, &EventStore::beginInsertRows, this, [this](int from, int to) {
                 int first = events.size() - to;
diff --git a/src/ui/SnackBar.cpp b/src/ui/SnackBar.cpp
index 2453369d26f1b71e4af91cb5de08acab20172928..2bff903b7362236a4d7162c945b84743b3ee1f92 100644
--- a/src/ui/SnackBar.cpp
+++ b/src/ui/SnackBar.cpp
@@ -32,9 +32,7 @@ SnackBar::SnackBar(QWidget *parent)
-        connect(this, &SnackBar::offsetChanged, this, [this]() mutable {
-                        repaint();
-        });
+        connect(this, &SnackBar::offsetChanged, this, [this]() mutable { repaint(); });
           &offset_anim, &QPropertyAnimation::finished, this, [this]() { hideTimer_.start(10000); });