--- language: cpp sudo: required dist: trusty services: - docker notifications: email: false matrix: include: - os: osx osx_image: xcode9 compiler: clang env: - OPENSLL_ROOT_DIR=/usr/local/opt/openssl - TESTS=OFF - USE_BUNDLED_BOOST=OFF - os: linux compiler: gcc env: - CXX_VERSION=g++-6 - CC_VERSION=gcc-6 - TESTS=ON - COVERAGE=ON - USE_BUNDLED_BOOST=ON addons: apt: sources: - "ubuntu-toolchain-r-test" packages: - "g++-6" - "lcov" - os: linux compiler: clang env: - CXX_VERSION=clang++-6.0 - CC_VERSION=clang-6.0 - TESTS=ON - USE_BUNDLED_BOOST=ON addons: apt: sources: - "ubuntu-toolchain-r-test" - "llvm-toolchain-trusty-6.0" packages: - "clang++-6.0" - "clang-6.0" - "g++-7" install: - ./.ci/install.sh script: - $CXX --version - cmake --version - ./.ci/script.sh after_success: # Generate coverage report and upload report to CodeCov. - if [ $COVERAGE == ON ]; then make -C build matrix_client_coverage; fi - if [ $COVERAGE == ON ]; then ./.ci/coverage.sh; fi - if [ $COVERAGE == ON ]; then bash <(curl -s https://codecov.io/bash) -f "!*tests*" || echo "Codecov failed"; fi