diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index c46e918eb265f9c13ac10991b74dfab823eae53b..006ca6ff15bfdb54f0379191e946aa4181c5d79a 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -125,6 +125,7 @@ set(MTXCLIENT_LIBS ${MTXCLIENT_LIBS} olm)
+    src/session.cpp
diff --git a/examples/room_feed.cpp b/examples/room_feed.cpp
index 924da48a2e18f504fb4b69b7259f611677cec452..25f391ad932a965bab81cfb42fa34c9fa2783504 100644
--- a/examples/room_feed.cpp
+++ b/examples/room_feed.cpp
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ sync_handler(const mtx::responses::Sync &res, RequestErr err)
 // Callback to executed after the first (initial) /sync request completes.
-initial_sync_handler(const nlohmann::json &res, RequestErr err)
+initial_sync_handler(const mtx::responses::Sync &res, RequestErr err)
         if (err) {
                 cout << "error during initial sync:\n";
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ initial_sync_handler(const nlohmann::json &res, RequestErr err)
-        client->set_next_batch_token(res.at("next_batch"));
+        client->set_next_batch_token(res.next_batch);
         client->sync("", client->next_batch_token(), false, 30000, &sync_handler);
diff --git a/src/client.cpp b/src/client.cpp
index ddaa0d7eeb262e56d9cbe68688e882e66e483762..9d0c1bcaa6bb065be1caee1028cdc1355b31c5cb 100644
--- a/src/client.cpp
+++ b/src/client.cpp
@@ -37,135 +37,14 @@ Client::close()
-Client::on_resolve(std::shared_ptr<Session> s,
-                   boost::system::error_code ec,
-                   boost::asio::ip::tcp::resolver::results_type results)
-        if (ec)
-                return s->on_failure(s->id, ec);
-        boost::asio::async_connect(
-          s->socket.next_layer(),
-          results.begin(),
-          results.end(),
-          std::bind(&Client::on_connect, shared_from_this(), s, std::placeholders::_1));
-Client::on_connect(std::shared_ptr<Session> s, boost::system::error_code ec)
-        if (ec) {
-                s->on_failure(s->id, ec);
-                return remove_session(std::move(s));
-        }
-        // Perform the SSL handshake
-        s->socket.async_handshake(
-          boost::asio::ssl::stream_base::client,
-          std::bind(&Client::on_handshake, shared_from_this(), s, std::placeholders::_1));
-Client::on_handshake(std::shared_ptr<Session> s, boost::system::error_code ec)
-        if (ec) {
-                s->on_failure(s->id, ec);
-                return remove_session(std::move(s));
-        }
-        boost::beast::http::async_write(s->socket,
-                                        s->request,
-                                        std::bind(&Client::on_write,
-                                                  shared_from_this(),
-                                                  s,
-                                                  std::placeholders::_1,
-                                                  std::placeholders::_2));
-Client::on_write(std::shared_ptr<Session> s,
-                 boost::system::error_code ec,
-                 std::size_t bytes_transferred)
-        boost::ignore_unused(bytes_transferred);
-        if (ec) {
-                s->on_failure(s->id, ec);
-                return remove_session(std::move(s));
-        }
-        // Receive the HTTP response
-        http::async_read(
-          s->socket,
-          s->output_buf,
-          s->parser,
-          std::bind(
-            &Client::on_read, shared_from_this(), s, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2));
-Client::on_read(std::shared_ptr<Session> s,
-                boost::system::error_code ec,
-                std::size_t bytes_transferred)
-        boost::ignore_unused(bytes_transferred);
-        if (ec)
-                s->error_code = ec;
-        on_request_complete(std::move(s));
 Client::do_request(std::shared_ptr<Session> s)
-        resolver_.async_resolve(server_,
-                                std::to_string(port_),
-                                std::bind(&Client::on_resolve,
-                                          shared_from_this(),
-                                          std::move(s),
-                                          std::placeholders::_1,
-                                          std::placeholders::_2));
-Client::remove_session(std::shared_ptr<Session> s)
-        // Shutting down the connection. This method may
-        // fail in case the socket is not connected. We don't
-        // care about the error code if this function fails.
-        boost::system::error_code ignored_ec;
-        s->socket.async_shutdown([s](boost::system::error_code ec) {
-                if (ec == boost::asio::error::eof) {
-                        // Rationale:
-                        // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/25587403/boost-asio-ssl-async-shutdown-always-finishes-with-an-error
-                        ec.assign(0, ec.category());
-                }
-// SSL_R_SHORT_READ is removed in openssl-1.1
-#if defined SSL_R_SHORT_READ
-                if (ERR_GET_REASON(ec.value()) == SSL_R_SHORT_READ)
-                        return;
-                if (ERR_GET_REASON(ec.value()) == boost::asio::ssl::error::stream_truncated)
-                        return;
-                if (ec)
-                        // TODO: propagate the error.
-                        std::cout << "shutdown: " << ec.message() << std::endl;
-        });
-Client::on_request_complete(std::shared_ptr<Session> s)
-        boost::system::error_code ec(s->error_code);
-        s->on_success(s->id, s->parser.get(), ec);
-        remove_session(std::move(s));
+        resolver_.async_resolve(
+          server_,
+          std::to_string(port_),
+          std::bind(
+            &Session::on_resolve, std::move(s), std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2));
diff --git a/src/client.hpp b/src/client.hpp
index 4e46cc856b60bb759c76b93638bee4b046f87261..5b75d2ee1a9088119e6df84c5a791681edeeb4bc 100644
--- a/src/client.hpp
+++ b/src/client.hpp
@@ -259,20 +259,6 @@ private:
         //! Setup http header with the access token if needed.
         void setup_auth(Session *session, bool auth);
-        void remove_session(std::shared_ptr<Session> s);
-        void on_request_complete(std::shared_ptr<Session> s);
-        void on_resolve(std::shared_ptr<Session> s,
-                        boost::system::error_code ec,
-                        boost::asio::ip::tcp::resolver::results_type results);
-        void on_connect(std::shared_ptr<Session> s, boost::system::error_code ec);
-        void on_handshake(std::shared_ptr<Session> s, boost::system::error_code ec);
-        void on_write(std::shared_ptr<Session> s,
-                      boost::system::error_code ec,
-                      std::size_t bytes_transferred);
-        void on_read(std::shared_ptr<Session> s,
-                     boost::system::error_code ec,
-                     std::size_t bytes_transferred);
         boost::asio::io_service ios_;
         //! Used to prevent the event loop from shutting down.
diff --git a/src/session.cpp b/src/session.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0c1ce43a42d3f18cdaac1dba2588321d74c3192f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/session.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+#include "session.hpp"
+using namespace mtx::client;
+Session::Session(boost::asio::io_service &ios,
+                 boost::asio::ssl::context &ssl_ctx,
+                 const std::string &host,
+                 RequestID id,
+                 SuccessCallback on_success,
+                 FailureCallback on_failure)
+  : socket(ios, ssl_ctx)
+  , host(std::move(host))
+  , id(std::move(id))
+  , on_success(std::move(on_success))
+  , on_failure(std::move(on_failure))
+        parser.header_limit(8192);
+        parser.body_limit(1 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024); // 1 GiB
+Session::on_resolve(boost::system::error_code ec,
+                    boost::asio::ip::tcp::resolver::results_type results)
+        if (ec) {
+                on_failure(id, ec);
+                shutdown();
+                return;
+        }
+        boost::asio::async_connect(
+          socket.next_layer(),
+          results,
+          std::bind(&Session::on_connect, shared_from_this(), std::placeholders::_1));
+Session::on_close(boost::system::error_code ec)
+        if (ec == boost::asio::error::eof) {
+                // Rationale:
+                // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/25587403/boost-asio-ssl-async-shutdown-always-finishes-with-an-error
+                ec.assign(0, ec.category());
+        }
+// SSL_R_SHORT_READ is removed in openssl-1.1
+#if defined SSL_R_SHORT_READ
+        if (ERR_GET_REASON(ec.value()) == SSL_R_SHORT_READ)
+                return;
+        if (ERR_GET_REASON(ec.value()) == boost::asio::ssl::error::stream_truncated)
+                return;
+        if (ec)
+                // TODO: propagate the error.
+                std::cout << "shutdown: " << ec.message() << std::endl;
+Session::on_connect(const boost::system::error_code &ec)
+        if (ec) {
+                on_failure(id, ec);
+                shutdown();
+                return;
+        }
+        // Perform the SSL handshake
+        socket.async_handshake(
+          boost::asio::ssl::stream_base::client,
+          std::bind(&Session::on_handshake, shared_from_this(), std::placeholders::_1));
+        socket.async_shutdown(
+          std::bind(&Session::on_close, shared_from_this(), std::placeholders::_1));
+        boost::system::error_code ec(error_code);
+        on_success(id, parser.get(), ec);
+        shutdown();
+Session::on_handshake(const boost::system::error_code &ec)
+        if (ec) {
+                on_failure(id, ec);
+                shutdown();
+                return;
+        }
+        boost::beast::http::async_write(
+          socket,
+          request,
+          std::bind(
+            &Session::on_write, shared_from_this(), std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2));
+Session::on_write(const boost::system::error_code &ec, std::size_t bytes_transferred)
+        boost::ignore_unused(bytes_transferred);
+        if (ec) {
+                on_failure(id, ec);
+                shutdown();
+                return;
+        }
+        // Receive the HTTP response
+        boost::beast::http::async_read(
+          socket,
+          output_buf,
+          parser,
+          std::bind(
+            &Session::on_read, shared_from_this(), std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2));
+Session::on_read(const boost::system::error_code &ec, std::size_t bytes_transferred)
+        boost::ignore_unused(bytes_transferred);
+        if (ec)
+                error_code = ec;
+        on_request_complete();
diff --git a/src/session.hpp b/src/session.hpp
index ee03e1f814c1cdd227602486d067b767b201dbb2..39b908a574ad0e767232b0d3cf28f7cd4e118af4 100644
--- a/src/session.hpp
+++ b/src/session.hpp
@@ -23,23 +23,14 @@ using FailureCallback =
   std::function<void(RequestID request_id, const boost::system::error_code ec)>;
 //! Represents a context of a single request.
-struct Session
+struct Session : public std::enable_shared_from_this<Session>
         Session(boost::asio::io_service &ios,
                 boost::asio::ssl::context &ssl_ctx,
                 const std::string &host,
                 RequestID id,
                 SuccessCallback on_success,
-                FailureCallback on_failure)
-          : socket{ios, ssl_ctx}
-          , host{host}
-          , id{id}
-          , on_success{on_success}
-          , on_failure{on_failure}
-        {
-                parser.header_limit(8192);
-                parser.body_limit(1 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024); // 1 GiB
-        }
+                FailureCallback on_failure);
         //! Socket used for communication.
         boost::asio::ssl::stream<boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket> socket;
@@ -60,6 +51,18 @@ struct Session
         SuccessCallback on_success;
         //! Function to be called when the request fails.
         FailureCallback on_failure;
+        void on_resolve(boost::system::error_code ec,
+                        boost::asio::ip::tcp::resolver::results_type results);
+        void on_close(boost::system::error_code ec);
+        void on_connect(const boost::system::error_code &ec);
+        void on_handshake(const boost::system::error_code &ec);
+        void on_read(const boost::system::error_code &ec, std::size_t bytes_transferred);
+        void on_request_complete();
+        void on_write(const boost::system::error_code &ec, std::size_t bytes_transferred);
+        void shutdown();
 template<class Request, boost::beast::http::verb HttpVerb>