From 66ba128abb5ade16e238afe677eea6cbb96084b0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nicolas Werner <>
Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2019 23:55:13 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Fix base64 encoding in tests

 tests/e2ee.cpp | 16 ++++++++++++----
 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tests/e2ee.cpp b/tests/e2ee.cpp
index 303908ff0..b8a5d7c4e 100644
--- a/tests/e2ee.cpp
+++ b/tests/e2ee.cpp
@@ -1133,16 +1133,24 @@ TEST(ExportSessions, InboundMegolmSessions)
 TEST(Encryption, EncryptedFile)
+        {
+                auto buffer = mtx::crypto::create_buffer(16);
+                ASSERT_EQ(buffer.size(), 16);
+                auto buf_str = mtx::crypto::to_string(buffer);
+                ASSERT_EQ(buf_str.size(), 16);
+        }
         std::string plaintext = "This is some plain text payload";
         auto encryption_data  = mtx::crypto::encrypt_file(plaintext);
         ASSERT_NE(plaintext, mtx::crypto::to_string(encryption_data.first));
                     mtx::crypto::to_string(encryption_data.first), encryption_data.second)));
-	// IV needs to be 16 bytes/128 bits
-        ASSERT_EQ(16, encryption_data.second.iv.size());
-	// key needs to be 32 bytes/256 bits
-        ASSERT_EQ(32, encryption_data.second.key.k.size());
+        // key needs to be 32 bytes/256 bits
+        ASSERT_EQ(32,
+                  mtx::crypto::base642bin_urlsafe_unpadded(encryption_data.second.key.k).size());
+        // IV needs to be 16 bytes/128 bits
+        ASSERT_EQ(16, mtx::crypto::base642bin_unpadded(encryption_data.second.iv).size());
         json j                                            = R"({
   "type": "",