diff --git a/include/mtx/events/common.hpp b/include/mtx/events/common.hpp
index 094be0e8f5b00624723fc55345832d3951326749..e9cb5e27c7db22fc05065a236562200a281f5015 100644
--- a/include/mtx/events/common.hpp
+++ b/include/mtx/events/common.hpp
@@ -163,6 +163,8 @@ enum class RelationType
     //! im.nheko.relations.v1.in_reply_to rel_type
+    //! m.thread
+    Thread,
     //! not one of the supported types
@@ -183,6 +185,9 @@ struct Relation
     //! key is the reaction itself
     std::optional<std::string> key = std::nullopt;
+    //! proprietary field to track if this is a fallback for something else
+    bool is_fallback = false;
     friend void from_json(const nlohmann::json &obj, Relation &relation);
     friend void to_json(nlohmann::json &obj, const Relation &relation);
@@ -196,10 +201,11 @@ struct Relations
     //! im.nheko.relactions.v1.relations
     bool synthesized = false;
-    std::optional<std::string> reply_to() const;
-    std::optional<std::string> replaces() const;
-    std::optional<std::string> references() const;
-    std::optional<Relation> annotates() const;
+    std::optional<std::string> reply_to(bool include_fallback = true) const;
+    std::optional<std::string> replaces(bool include_fallback = true) const;
+    std::optional<std::string> references(bool include_fallback = true) const;
+    std::optional<std::string> thread(bool include_fallback = true) const;
+    std::optional<Relation> annotates(bool include_fallback = true) const;
 /// @brief Parses relations from a content object
diff --git a/lib/structs/events/common.cpp b/lib/structs/events/common.cpp
index 9fb6f07215dc1b1dea94b92dd8183e6d8e7dd450..6983b239e8e9b325f8a38cce37694a1ec33ece34 100644
--- a/lib/structs/events/common.cpp
+++ b/lib/structs/events/common.cpp
@@ -185,6 +185,9 @@ to_json(json &obj, const RelationType &type)
     case RelationType::InReplyTo:
         obj = "im.nheko.relations.v1.in_reply_to";
+    case RelationType::Thread:
+        obj = "m.thread";
+        break;
     case RelationType::Unsupported:
         obj = "unsupported";
@@ -203,6 +206,8 @@ from_json(const json &obj, RelationType &type)
         type = RelationType::Replace;
     else if (obj.get<std::string>() == "im.nheko.relations.v1.in_reply_to")
         type = RelationType::InReplyTo;
+    else if (obj.get<std::string>() == "m.thread")
+        type = RelationType::Thread;
         type = RelationType::Unsupported;
@@ -218,18 +223,27 @@ parse_relations(const nlohmann::json &content)
             rels.synthesized = false;
             return rels;
         } else if (content.contains("m.relates_to")) {
-            if (content.at("m.relates_to").contains("m.in_reply_to")) {
+            const auto &relates_to = content.at("m.relates_to");
+            if (relates_to.contains("m.in_reply_to")) {
                 Relation r;
-                r.event_id =
-                  content.at("m.relates_to").at("m.in_reply_to").at("event_id").get<std::string>();
+                r.event_id = relates_to.at("m.in_reply_to").at("event_id").get<std::string>();
                 r.rel_type = RelationType::InReplyTo;
                 Relations rels;
+                if (auto thread_type = relates_to.find("rel_type");
+                    thread_type != relates_to.end() && *thread_type == "m.thread") {
+                    if (auto thread_id = relates_to.find("event_id");
+                        thread_id != relates_to.end()) {
+                        r.is_fallback = relates_to.value("is_falling_back", false);
+                        rels.relations.push_back(relates_to.get<mtx::common::Relation>());
+                    }
+                }
                 rels.synthesized = true;
                 return rels;
             } else {
-                Relation r = content.at("m.relates_to").get<mtx::common::Relation>();
+                Relation r = relates_to.get<mtx::common::Relation>();
                 Relations rels;
                 rels.synthesized = true;
@@ -262,20 +276,24 @@ add_relations(nlohmann::json &content, const Relations &relations)
     if (relations.relations.empty())
-    std::optional<Relation> edit, not_edit;
+    std::optional<Relation> edit, not_edit, reply;
     for (const auto &r : relations.relations) {
         if (r.rel_type == RelationType::Replace)
             edit = r;
+        else if (r.rel_type == RelationType::InReplyTo)
+            reply = r;
             not_edit = r;
     if (not_edit) {
-        if (not_edit->rel_type == RelationType::InReplyTo) {
-            content["m.relates_to"]["m.in_reply_to"]["event_id"] = not_edit->event_id;
-        } else {
-            content["m.relates_to"] = *not_edit;
-        }
+        content["m.relates_to"] = *not_edit;
+    }
+    if (reply) {
+        content["m.relates_to"]["m.in_reply_to"]["event_id"] = reply->event_id;
+        if (reply->is_fallback && not_edit && not_edit->rel_type == RelationType::Thread)
+            content["m.relates_to"]["is_falling_back"] = true;
     if (edit) {
@@ -316,12 +334,14 @@ apply_relations(nlohmann::json &content, const Relations &relations)
 from_json(const json &obj, Relation &relates_to)
-    if (obj.find("rel_type") != obj.end())
-        relates_to.rel_type = obj.at("rel_type").get<RelationType>();
-    if (obj.find("event_id") != obj.end())
-        relates_to.event_id = obj.at("event_id").get<std::string>();
-    if (obj.find("key") != obj.end())
-        relates_to.key = obj.at("key").get<std::string>();
+    if (auto it = obj.find("rel_type"); it != obj.end())
+        relates_to.rel_type = it->get<RelationType>();
+    if (auto it = obj.find("event_id"); it != obj.end())
+        relates_to.event_id = it->get<std::string>();
+    if (auto it = obj.find("key"); it != obj.end())
+        relates_to.key = it->get<std::string>();
+    if (auto it = obj.find("im.nheko.relations.v1.is_fallback"); it != obj.end())
+        relates_to.is_fallback = it->get<bool>();
@@ -331,36 +351,43 @@ to_json(json &obj, const Relation &relates_to)
     obj["event_id"] = relates_to.event_id;
     if (relates_to.key.has_value())
         obj["key"] = relates_to.key.value();
+    if (relates_to.is_fallback)
+        obj["im.nheko.relations.v1.is_fallback"] = true;
 static inline std::optional<std::string>
-return_first_relation_matching(RelationType t, const Relations &rels)
+return_first_relation_matching(RelationType t, const Relations &rels, bool include_fallback)
     for (const auto &r : rels.relations)
-        if (r.rel_type == t)
+        if (r.rel_type == t && (include_fallback || r.is_fallback == false))
             return r.event_id;
     return std::nullopt;
-Relations::reply_to() const
+Relations::reply_to(bool include_fallback) const
+    return return_first_relation_matching(RelationType::InReplyTo, *this, include_fallback);
+Relations::replaces(bool include_fallback) const
-    return return_first_relation_matching(RelationType::InReplyTo, *this);
+    return return_first_relation_matching(RelationType::Replace, *this, include_fallback);
-Relations::replaces() const
+Relations::references(bool include_fallback) const
-    return return_first_relation_matching(RelationType::Replace, *this);
+    return return_first_relation_matching(RelationType::Reference, *this, include_fallback);
-Relations::references() const
+Relations::thread(bool include_fallback) const
-    return return_first_relation_matching(RelationType::Reference, *this);
+    return return_first_relation_matching(RelationType::Thread, *this, include_fallback);
-Relations::annotates() const
+Relations::annotates(bool include_fallback) const
     for (const auto &r : relations)
-        if (r.rel_type == RelationType::Annotation)
+        if (r.rel_type == RelationType::Annotation && (include_fallback || r.is_fallback == false))
             return r;
     return std::nullopt;
diff --git a/tests/messages.cpp b/tests/messages.cpp
index e9cc598ae986e38f6aca22d98fb325b385be9afc..fc534aa720f2d546e1557fed74a6ffcb4d46e340 100644
--- a/tests/messages.cpp
+++ b/tests/messages.cpp
@@ -768,3 +768,48 @@ TEST(RoomEvents, Encrypted)
     EXPECT_EQ(data, json(event));
+TEST(RoomEvents, ThreadedMessage)
+    json data = R"({
+          "origin_server_ts": 1510489356530,
+          "sender": "@nheko_test:matrix.org",
+          "event_id": "$15104893562785758wEgEU:matrix.org",
+          "unsigned": {
+            "age": 2225,
+            "transaction_id": "m1510489356267.2"
+          },
+          "content": {
+            "body": "hey there",
+            "msgtype": "m.text",
+"m.relates_to": {
+  "rel_type": "m.thread",
+  "event_id": "$root",
+  "m.in_reply_to": {
+    "event_id": "$target"
+  },
+  "is_falling_back": true
+          },
+          "type": "m.room.message",
+          "room_id": "!lfoDRlNFWlvOnvkBwQ:matrix.org"
+         })"_json;
+    RoomEvent<msg::Text> event = data.get<RoomEvent<msg::Text>>();
+    EXPECT_EQ(event.type, EventType::RoomMessage);
+    EXPECT_EQ(event.event_id, "$15104893562785758wEgEU:matrix.org");
+    EXPECT_EQ(event.room_id, "!lfoDRlNFWlvOnvkBwQ:matrix.org");
+    EXPECT_EQ(event.sender, "@nheko_test:matrix.org");
+    EXPECT_EQ(event.origin_server_ts, 1510489356530L);
+    EXPECT_EQ(event.unsigned_data.age, 2225);
+    EXPECT_EQ(event.unsigned_data.transaction_id, "m1510489356267.2");
+    EXPECT_EQ(event.content.body, "hey there");
+    EXPECT_EQ(event.content.msgtype, "m.text");
+    EXPECT_EQ(event.content.relations.reply_to(), "$target");
+    EXPECT_EQ(event.content.relations.reply_to(false), std::nullopt);
+    EXPECT_EQ(event.content.relations.thread(), "$root");
+    EXPECT_EQ(data.dump(), json(event).dump());